摘 要:随着化石能源的逐渐枯竭,环境问题的愈演愈烈,发展可再生能源刻不容缓,世界各国都把发展可再生能源,实现可持续发展作为未来发展的重大举措。风能作为可再生能源中当前最具有发展潜力的能源,得到了中国政府的大力扶持。
ABSTRACT:With the gradual depletion of fossil energy, environmental issues intensified, the development of renewable energy sources need to start without delay.the world regard the development of renewable energy, to achieve sustainable development as the future development of major initiatives. As the most development potential renewable energy, the development of wind energy have got the support from the Chinese government .
China's wind power industry has nearly two decades of history, it was not until 2005, under the guidance of the government, it ushered in a period of explosive development. Now, China has become the largest producer of wind energy equipment and consumer markets. China's enterprises are successful among the world's top ten wind turbine manufacturers, and they start to open up overseas markets. Along with this rapid development, however, the problem start to highlight. Immature industry itself caused some problems, and the financial crisis coupled with trade frictions, China's wind power industry is facing enormous challenges. From the great wind power nation to the powerful wind power nation, China needs to change the current mode of development of the industry.
In this paper, through the diamond model, we compare Germany's wind industry with china’s wind industry from visual aspects, so that wo can see the visual image of Chinese wind power industry competitiveness.On this basis, we summary up the advantages and disadvantages of domestic wind power industry, and try to give some suggestions for the healthy development of wind power industry and providw some help for the overseas market.
Keywords: China; Wind industry; Internatinal competitiveness; Recommendations;