摘 要:人民币升值近些年来越来越成为关系国计民生的热门话题。自08年经济危机以来,我国经济社会的高速、稳定发展从内部要求人民币升值;伴随我国对外贸易的繁荣发展,欧美等国采取措施遏制中国出口顺差,加之国际热钱的流入,不断给人民币升值施加外部压力。
ABSTRACT:The appreciation of RMB has become a hot topic which is important to the people's livelihood. Since the economic crisis in 2008, economic and social development of our country need the appreciation of RMB.And with the prosperous development of China's foreign trade, Europe and the United States take measures to curb China's export, coupled with the inflow of international hot money, China is getting more and more pressure in the appreciation of RMB.
The appreciation make the prices of export increase directly, which means that our products’ competitiveness in price decrease in the international market.However,the advantage of price is the real vitality of "made in China". Export enterprises will suffer loss when they swap money. Moreover, the appreciation of RMB will lead to the increase of production costs, such as the payment of labor.The Chinese labor-intensive export enterprises will be seriously impact, because of their low price and low technological content.
September 13, 2012 United States Federal Reserve Board announced a third round of quantitative easing policy, in order to further support the economic recovery and the labor market. December 20, 2012, Japan soared to 10 trillion yen quantitative easing. Global market economy constantly being consequent inflation and asset price pressures. At the same time, the domestic CPI index and rapid rise in inflation are facing greater pressure to appreciate the yuan.
But "misfortune may be an actual blessing." The crisis of the appreciation of RMB brings enormous opportunity. If we seize the opportunity, promote the adjustment of industrial structure, optimize the structure of export trade, encourage enterprises to transform their operational mechanism, we can draw on the advantages and avoid disadvantages, creating new breakthrough for our development.So, how to take measures to make China's export come through the current crisis. This paper analysed all kinds of advantages and disadvantages of the appreciation of RMB in the export trade, and in view of its adverse effects,specified the strategies.
Keywords: appreciation of RMB; export; influence