摘 要:随着世界经济的发展,各国之间的经济交流日益频繁,加速了经济全球化的进程,同时也为品牌的国际化发展提供良好的环境。自我国加入世界贸易组织(WTO)后,我国的教育服务市场开始向全世界逐渐开放,国内的教育服务企业得到了崭新的发展机会和宽广的发展环境,但也面临着和大型跨国教育公司和集团的残酷竞争以及世界市场规则的挑战。
ABSTRACT:Due to the sustaining development of global economy and increasingly frequent economic communication among different countries, the progress of globalization has been accelerating ever since, offering a favorable condition for the process of brand internationalization which has been emphasized by enterprises nowadays because of the significant role it plays as a part of development strategy. The opening-up of China’s education service market after the WTO accession enables the related realm to embrace more opportunities and better prospects, which, simultaneously, signifies fiercer competition and tougher challenge brought by foreign counterparts.
This thesis aimed at illustrating the concepts related to brand internationalization and clarifying the definitions in the matter of international education service trade. Meanwhile, it also shed light on the status-quo of the development of education service enterprises at both home and abroad, and discussed on the modes and details of their brand internationalization strategies. Using relevant cases, the thesis analyzed the obstacles domestic companies will face and explored the reasons. Additionally, it would bear on the solutions should be taken accordingly in order to pave the way for a slew of education service enterprises to the global market.
Keywords: Educational service; international branding; obstacles; solutions