摘 要:反倾销是WTO(世界贸易组织)赋予各缔约方抵制不公平贸易行为的主要措施之一,进口国可以采取此措施来保护本国工业免受进口产品的冲击,实现对本国贸易的合法保护。目前,世贸组织允许单边使用的控制进口措施已为数不多,而反倾销措施却越来越成为各国推崇的贸易保护武器。随着改革开放的不断深化,我国经济取得突飞猛进的增长,对外贸易领域也取得了显著的成绩。然而,伴随我国对外贸易的不断发展,我国出口的产品越来越频繁的遭受国外反倾销的调查和指控。这不仅对我国的出口贸易产生极大的负面影响,而且已经损害了我国的国家利益。因此,如何建立健全反倾销应对机制已成为当务之急。本文首先指出国外对华反倾销的现状,从各方对我国反倾销的现状中得出其反倾销具有数量大、提起国别有发达国家扩展到发展中国家、产品类别越来越广泛等特点。由此,使我们对国外对华反倾销有进一步的了解并反省我国在应对机制上存在的缺陷,如何找到合理的应对机制成为我国应对反倾销指控的关键,其中建立反倾销预警机制、法律机制等已成为当务之急。建立健全的反倾销应对机制将对我国外贸事业做出巨大贡献。
ABSTRACT:Anti-dumping is one of the main measures of the World Trade Organization to give the Parties to resist unfair trade practices; importing countries can take this measure to protect domestic industries from the impact of imported products. Now, permitted by the WTO unilateral control has become few, anti-dumping measures are becoming more and more common to be treated as their trade protection weapons. With the continuous deepening of reform and opening up, China's economy has achieved rapid growth, in the field of international trade has also made remarkable achievements. However, with the continuous development of China's foreign trade, China's export products are more and more frequently subjected to international anti-dumping investigations and allegations. This is not only has a negative impact on the export trade of our country, but also has damaged our national interests. Therefore, how to establish and improve the coping mechanisms of the anti-dumping has become imperative. The text pointed out that the current situation of the foreign anti-dumping, and put out the characters of anti-dumping. For example, large quantities lift the country developed extended to developing countries, and the product categories become more widely. So, we can have a better understanding on the anti-dumping and thinking of our coping mechanisms exist of defects, to find a reasonable mechanism to deal with the anti-dumping is the key to our response of anti-dumping charges, including the establishment of anti-dumping early warning mechanisms, legal mechanisms has become priority. It will make a significant contribution to the international trade by establishing the anti-dumping coping mechanisms.
Keywords: anti-dumping; current situation; coping mechanisms