摘 要:光伏产业是未来十分有潜力的产业,而且也是我国唯一的在高科技行业里可以与西方发达国家并驾齐驱的产业。但是,在光伏产业发展的过程中无论是政府还是企业本身都存在很多的不足。近期更是连遭欧美反倾销调查,对我国光伏产业的健康快速发展带来巨大负面影响。
本文在分析我国光伏产业的现状的基础上,详细叙述了我国光伏产业遭遇国际反倾销的主要内容及影响分析,并从内外部两个方面研究分析我国光伏产业遭遇反倾销的原因。 接下来则是根据遭遇反倾销的原因,分别从政府和企业的角度创造性地提出了相应对策。 光伏产业是未来十分有潜力的行业,面对来势汹汹的反倾销,我们反思自己,积极拿出应对措施刻不容缓。
ABSTRACT:PV industry is a very promising industry in the future, but also is China’s only in the high tech industry to keep pace with the Western industrial countries. However, in the process of development, whether the government or the enterprise itself there are many deficiencies. Recently the anti-dumping investigation has brought tremendous negative impact on China’s PV industry healthy and rapid development.
This paper described in detail in of PV industry suffered a major international anti-dumping and impact analysis based on the status quo of China's photovoltaic industry. And The paper is from the two aspects of internal and external to research and analyzes anti-dumping causes. Next, according the reason of anti-dumping, I put forward the corresponding countermeasures creatively from the perspective of the government and enterprises. PV industry is a very potential industry in the future, in the face of the raging anti-dumping, we reflect on their own, and take response measures without delay.
Keyword: Anti-dumping; PV companies ;government; impact; countermeasure