摘 要:自1978年我国改革开放以来,我国经济一直保持高速的发展,相应的,产业结构也产生了较大的转变。在全国经济总量中河北省近年来名列前茅,而且发展速度也比较快。但在河北省经济高速发展的同时一些问题也暴露出来了,河北省经济出现了较为明显的结构偏差,即产业结构转换相对滞后。结构偏差可以从下列方面看出来,一是随着河北省近年来经济的不断增长(可用GDP表示),产业结构并没有呈现出与之相协调的状态;二是产值结构与就业结构之间的不平衡。在这两个方面,河北省产业结构的偏差程度都比较突出。基于这两点的考虑,本文将从两个方面对河北省产业结构存在的偏差问题进行分析研究,一方面运用国际上通用的“标准结构”(用于研究经济增长与产业结构关系),对比河北省产业结构和经济增长的现状,进一步研究河北省产业结构偏离度;另一方面运用产业结构偏离度分析,对河北省产业结构与就业结构间的偏离度进行分析。研究结果表明,河北省经济的产业结构偏差程度的确比较大,具体表现为在河北省三次产业中,第二产业的增加值过高,第三产业增加值偏低,而且三次产业的就业结构与产值结构相比偏离程度较大,并且在一定程度上也影响了河北省经济的增长,应该注意由结构偏差引发的问题。因此,在文章最后会就河北省经济发展中存在的问题提出相关的政策建议。
ABSTRACT:Since the enforcement of the reform and opening up policy,China has witnessed rapid and stable economic growth,the industrial structure also has a lot of changes.Hebei Province maintains a rapid continuous robust growth annual,its total economic output and the speed of the economic growth is prior to the whole economic.However,the conversion of industrial structure of Hebei is lagging behind economic growth,and there is structure deviation.The structure deviation manifest in the two aspects,one is industrial structure showing incompatible with economic growth(usually GDP);one is the deviation of the employment structure and the industrial structure.They are all obvious in the industrial structure deviation.This article analyses the structure deviation in Hebei Province from two aspects.On the one hand,the paper analyzes the degree of structure deviation in Hebei through comparing the situation of industrial structure and the international“standard structure”.On the other hand,the paper analyzes the deviation of the employment structure and the industrial structure. Studies have shown there is a degree structure deviation in Guangdong Province, as well as the deviation between the employment structure and industrial structure, the deviation manifest in the higher secondary industrial output ratio and the lower tertiary industry output ratio. And the deviation has impacted on the economic growth. Therefore, at the last of the paper I will make some suggestions to promote the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure of Hebei Province.
Keywords: industrial structure; economic growth; employment structure;structural deviation.