摘 要:2012年8月22日俄罗斯正式成为世界贸易组织的成员国。入世后,俄罗斯会根据其入世承诺在关税、市场准入、农业、能源等方面都会做出相应的改变,这些都给中俄双边贸易带来重大的影响。近年来,中俄双边贸易得到了快速的发展,到2010年中国已经成为俄罗斯最大的贸易合作伙伴。中国与俄罗斯的双边贸易的有着极强的贸易互补性并且有着广阔的贸易合作前景,但是中俄贸易间也存在着很多问题。俄罗斯加入世界贸易组织,为中俄双边贸易迎来了进一步增长的契机,但同时也带来了不少挑战。
关键词:中俄;双边贸易; 入世; 对策
ABSTRACT:Russia formally joined the world trade organization in August 2012. After access the WTO, Russia will make some relevant reforms on tariffs, market access, agriculture, energy and so on ,according to its wto accession commitments. it will have a great impact on bilateral trade between China and Russia. In recent years, bilateral trade between China and Russia has been rapid development. Since 2010, China has become Russia's largest trading partner,China and Russia’s goods trade has a strong complementary and a broad prospects, But the trade between China and Russia also exist many problems. Russia's accession to the world trade organization gives a chance to the further growth of bilateral trade between China and Russia, but it also brought a lot of challenges at the same time.
This article mainly summarized the status quo of bilateral trade between China and Russia and the existing problems, According to Russia's wto accession commitments and the changes of Russia’s trade environment, combined with the problems existing in the economic and trade exchanges between China and Russia, analysis the opportunities and challenges that Russia's accession to the wto will bring. Finally it will give some suggestions to further promote economic and trade exchanges between China and Russia in the new economic situation.
Keywords: China and Russia; bilateral trade; WTO accession; suggestions