摘 要:随着来自外界的人民币升值压力,我国的人民币汇率近年来呈不断走高的状态,人民币的升值大大增加我国出口行业的成本以及折算成外币的价格,导致我国的出口产品竞争力大大下降,同时人民币升值不久,国内就有刮起了涨价的风潮,国外学者普遍认为,货币的升值能有效抑制通货膨胀的问题,然而,在金融市场明显不够开放的我国,这样的传导效应却被切断。使得人民币的升值不仅不能带来抑制通胀的效果,可能会起到相反的作用。我国的政府应该采取行动,不仅要防止人民币的不断的快速升值,给我国的经济造成不稳定性,也要注意抑制国内的通货膨胀现象。
ABSTRACT:With the pressure of RMB appreciation from the outside world, China's RMB exchange rate in recent years continues to rise. The appreciation of the yuan greatly increases the cost of China's export industry and foreign currency prices. Leading to China's export industry’s competitiveness has declined significantly. After RMB appreciation, the price of domestic goods has risen. Foreign scholars generally believe that the appreciation of the currency can effectively control inflation. However, in China, the financial market was not open enough. This Transmission Mechanism was useful. Making the RMB appreciation not only fails to have the anti-inflationary effect, but also have the opposite effect. China's government should take actions, not only to prevent the rapid appreciation of the yuan to continue to keep instability of our country's economy, but also pay attention to suppress the phenomenon of domestic inflation.
Keywords: RMB; inflation; excess liquidity; monetary policy