摘 要:美国对华食品行业投资会对我国产生巨大的影响,如对我国的国际收支水平、产业结构、经济发展、收入水平、就业情况等.本文主要研究美国对华食品行业投资对我国居民消费水平的影响,选取江苏省为例,这里的食品业,主要是指工业中的食品制造业.文章主要分为四个部分,第一部分为绪论,主要先介绍一下研究背景与内容,还有研究现状;第二部分,通过直接影响和间接影响分析美国对华食品行业投资对收入的影响;第三部分是通过定量分析收入与消费的关系,然后得出结论:美国对华食品行业投资会增加居民收入,提高消费水平;在得出结论的同时,美国对华食品行业投资必定会对我国的食品行业产生不利影响,第四部分主要分析我国的食品行业如何在激烈的市场竞争中,增强与美国抗衡的实力,如何抓住机遇应对美国对华食品产业投资产生的消极影响,针对这些影响给出了相应对策.
ABSTRACT:America’s investment in Chinese food industry will have a great influence on our country,such as balance of payments、structure of industryal、economic evelopment and employment,ect.Food is the paramount necessity of the people,we study the influence of residents' consmption level in China which caused by United States’s investment in China's food industry
industry.This paper mainly divided into four parts,the first part mainly to introduce American investment in China.The second part to make a analysis of American food industry investment in China's impact on revenue through direct and indirect effects.The third part analyzes the relations between income and consumption.To come to the conclusion, America's investment to Chinese food industry will promote the economic development and help to increase income, consumption level in our country.At the same time in the conclusions,the investment will be harmful to China's food industry,the last part to analize we should protect our national enterprises and help enterprises to Set up the brand consciousness.Our country’s food industry should know how to seize the opportunity to deal with the negative impact of America's China food industry investment.
Keywords: investment; food; income; consumption