摘 要:在经济全球化深入的情况下,国际贸易活动越来越频繁,文化冲突已成为国际贸易经营过程中不能回避的核心问题,不同文化带来的冲突直接影响着贸易的发展和贸易的成功,语言、宗教、价值观、风俗习惯等文化差异成为国际贸易中跨文化交流的无形壁垒。在实际活动中,有些企业没有意识到这种文化的差异性,或者是虽然意识到但未能引起足够的重视,致使交易失败或者无法建立长期的合作关系。有效实施跨文化交流,是打开国际市场并拓展国际贸易的成功关键之所在,正确地处理文化冲突是国际贸易活动成功的基础。
ABSTRACT:In the case of in-depth of economic globalization, international trade activities more and more frequent, intercultural conflict has become a multinational enterprise could not avoid in the process of the core issue of, different cultural conflict directly affects the development of trade and trade successful, language, religion, values, customs and other cultural differences in international trade as invisible barriers to intercultural communication.in the practical activities, some companies are not aware that this diversity of culture, or although realized but failed to cause enough attention, causes fails or is unable to establish a long-term relations of cooperation. Effective cross-cultural communication, is to open the international market and expand the key of success in the international trade, correctly deal with cultural conflict is the basis of international trade activities successfully.
article on the differences of cultural factors in the trade and its effect analysis, probes into the cultural differences bring transnational operation of cultural conflicts and challenges. Finally puts forward the measures to slow the progress of the conflict.
Keywords:international trade, Cultural Conflicts,countermeasure