摘 要:近年来,中国与印尼经贸合作关系发展很快,中国成为印尼最主要的贸易伙伴和出口市场之一。两国双边贸易和中国对印尼基础设施建设的投资顺利发展,两国双边贸易总量每年以两位数增长,中国加强了对印尼基础设施的投资,中国企业对印尼的直接投资也逐年增加,对印尼的经济复苏和经济建设起了一定的促进作用。但是,随着中国崛起成为经济强国,中国物美价廉的商品畅销世界各地,包括东南亚国家。中国商品大量进入印尼,尤其是制造业产品如纺织服装业和鞋业产品等成倍进入印尼市场,对印尼的制造业产生了巨大的冲击。印尼一些企业家和商家要求印尼政府支持民族企业,对中国商品采取反倾销措施。本文拟对两国经贸关系发展现状及其存在问题进行分析,并提出促进中国与印尼经贸关系发展的措施建议,以利于促进两国经贸关系的进一步发展。
ABSTRACT:In recent years, China and Indonesia’s relationship of economy and trade cooperation develops very fast. China has become one of Indonesia's main trading partner and export market. The bilateral trade and Chinese investment in Indonesian infrastructure construction have developed smoothly, with bilateral trade volume growing every year by double-digit. China has increased investment in Indonesian infrastructure and also increased enterprise direct investment year by year, which plays a positive role in promoting Indonesia's economic recovery and economic construction. But with the rise of China becoming a economic power, Chinese cheap goods sell well in all parts of the world, including southeast Asian countries. A large number of Chinese goods have multiplied into Indonesian market, especially in manufacturing products such as textile apparel and footwear products, which has a huge impact on manufacturing in Indonesia. Some entrepreneurs and businesses require Indonesian government support for national enterprises, taking anti-dumping measures on Chinese goods. This article focuses on analyzing the current situation of the development of bilateral economic and trade relations and its existing problems, and puts forward suggestions to promote the development of China and Indonesia's economic and trade relations, helping to promote the further development of bilateral economic and trade relations.
Keywords: China; Indonesia; Economic and trade relations; The present situation; Measures