摘 要:中国要成为文化强国, 实现文化产业持续健康发展, 全面增强我国综合国力, 很关键的一个问题是提升中国文化产业国际竞争力。本文首先对文化贸易、国际竞争力等概念进行了界定,并对国内外文化贸易的发展现状和特点进行了归纳总结。其次利用相关数据计算了我国核心文化商品的国际市场占有率、贸易竞争力指数和显示性比较优势指数,认为目前我国文化商品在国际市场上发展稳定,但竞争力不足,没有显示性优势,尤其是文化服务贸易比较薄弱,在文化产品结构上也存在不足之处。最后基于以上分析,有针对性地从政策层面、产品层面、人才层面这三个方面提出文化贸易国际竞争力提升的对策:实现国内文化产业的体制创新;积极参与国际文化贸易竞争规则的塑造;积极打造国内文化企业合作平台;注重内容的民族化与国际化元素结合;提高产品和服务的技术含量;加强品牌建设;充分利用高校资源,完善培养模式;为贸易人才“转向”提供通道。
ABSTRACT:The key point for China to become a country of prosperous culture, to realize the sustained and healthy development of the cultural industry, to enhance the comprehensive national strength of our country, is to enhance the international competitiveness of China’s cultural industry. This paper first defines the concept of cultural trade, international competitiveness, and summarizes the cultural trade development situation and characteristics of both domestic and foreign cultural trade. Secondly, by using the related data, this paper calculates the international market share and trade competition index of our core cultural goods, the paper draws the conclusion that the international market share is under the level, leading to the weak competitiveness of our cultural trade. The theory of “Michael Porter Diamond Model” will be used to put forward 6 factors exerting influences in the international competitiveness of our cultural trade including the four basic factors and two subsidiary factors. Combined with the current development situation of China’s culture industry, the paper analyzes the each impactive factor, the puts forward the measures to improve the international competitiveness of cultural industries in terms of five aspects: improve and upgrade of the cultural industry production elements; expand the market demand status of cultural industries and improve the level of per capita income; bring the government into play reasonably to create a favorable policy environment; adjust the cultural enterprise development strategy; take the technology innovation as the core to develop the modern culture industry.
Keywords: cultural trade; competitiveness; factor Analysis; propositions