摘 要:在国际贸易飞速发展和贸易自由化程度进一步加深的大背景下,各国针对关税以及一些传统的非关税贸易壁垒,例如绿色壁垒,进口配额限制等等的预警和应对机制逐渐完善,为了在与发展中国家的贸易竞争中占据主导地位,一些发达国家兴起了以蓝色壁垒为代表的新型贸易壁垒。直至2012年12月31日,随着全球66个国家共计3178家企业通过SA8000标准的认证,蓝色壁垒,一种以SA8000社会责任认证标准为主要表现形式,实质上是以劳工劳动环境和生存权利为借口采取的新型贸易保护措施愈加引起各国关注。
ABSTRACT:With the tremendous development of international trade and futher trade liberalization as well as constant decrease of both tariff and non-tarriff barrier such as green trade barrier and import quotas , in order to keep their leading position in today’s compatitive international trade, some of those developed countries have newly created amount of trade barriers ,and blue trade barrier is a typical one. Up to December 31, 2012, 66 countries and regions around the globe, totally 3178 corporations, have already passed SA8000. On the pretext of improving labor working environment and labor right , blue trade barrier , however , serves for indibidual country’s interest essentially. For that matter, blue trade barrierr, which regards SA8000 as its major form of expression, has already been debated heatedly in today’s business world.
Although as a neotype international trade barrier , blue trade barrier has negative impact on international trade , especially on those labor intensive processing trade , it has, to some extent, guaranteed labor standard and labor right. On one hand, labor intensive processing trade represents a significant share of China’ s overall international trade . On the other hand , a series of shocking news about a certain number of sweatshops in China indicated that part of workers in our country can hardly guarantee their labor right. Consequently, research on blue trade barrier is of significant importance on evading international trade barrier and subsequently regulating international bussiness, it may also help labors especially those who work in labor intensive processing industries guarantee their right and inerest legeally and then futher advance the total social responsibility system. Thus this thesis tend to analyze blue trade barrier from diverse aspects like its causes , state of development, feature, pattern of manifestation , theoretical analysis together with SA8000, and then discuss both its postive and negitive effects on China’s labor intensive processing trade,and finally draw conclusins and coping stratagies from government ,labor union and enterprise aspects.
Keywords: blue trade barrier; China’s labor intensive processing trade; duplicated effects; coping stratagy