摘 要:国际商务谈判的各种交际语境因素会影响谈判结果。交际语境因素包括物理特征、社交特征和心里特征,这三个特征的不同来自于不同文化背景的谈判者在民族心理观念、社会规范及行为方面的差异。正是由于对以上差异的不理解以及缺乏语言顺应性选择造成了大量谈判案例的失败。
ABSTRACT:Various contextual factors in international business negotiation affect the negotiation results. Communicative context factors including physical characteristics, social characteristics and psychological characteristics. The three characteristics of different from different cultural background of the negotiators in the national psychology, social norms and behavioral differences. Because don't understand for above differences and the lack of language adaptation selection caused a lot of negotiations case failed.
That is why the author introduces Verschueren’s theory of adaptation and dynamic context perspective and tries to apply it into IBN. Verschueren believes that contexts are generated in language use and keep changing with communication. it is not only a static adaptation, but also a dynamic construction. The author tried to use Verschueren's theory of adaptation guidance business negotiations, improve the success rate of negotiations.
Keywords: IBN; communicative context; Language adaptation; strategic choices