摘 要:外来生物入侵已成为当今时代国际贸易领域最为重要的议题之一。随着经济全球化和区域经济化的发展,各国各地区之间的贸易往来越来越频繁,尤其是进出口货物贸易的发展使得国际贸易成为生物入侵的主要渠道之一。
ABSTRACT:Biological invasion has become one of the most important issues in the field of international trade in the recent era. With the development of economic globalization and regional economic integration, the trade among countries and regions become more and more frequent. Especially the development of the import and export trade in goods makes international trade become one of the main channels of biological invasion. The biological invasion brings serious trade external to international trade and causes severe damage to the international trade, social economy and environment etc.
This paper is divided into six parts. The first part is the introduction, mainly introduces the concept of biological invasion and domestic and international research on the relationship between international trade and biological invasion. The second part states the current situation of international trade caused biological invasion in china. The third part analyzes the problems brought by the biological invasion caused by international trade. The fourth part introduces the modes of biological invasion caused by international trade. The fifth part puts forward some prevention measures. The sixth part summarizes the full text. Finally this paper draws a conclusion: the group of invasive species is huge, the incoming source is wide, the distribution in ecosystem is wide and the types of biological invasion is complex;the biological invasion brings serious trade external to international trade and causes severe damage to the international trade, social economy and environment etc;the biological invasion in China comes mainly from inadvertently entered; "key point control method" turns out to be an effective way to prevent biological invasion.
Keywords: Biological Invasion; International Trade; Problems; Defense Measures