摘 要:随着经济的发展,人们生活水平的提高,汽车在我们生活中发挥着越来越重要的作用;中国作为一个汽车生产和消费大国,汽车贸易在我国国际贸易中,重要性日益显现。自2001年我国加入WTO以来,国外汽车先进技术不断进入中国,带动我国汽车产业的发展。我国汽车产业软硬件基础条件逐步完善,国内市场已经不能满足中国汽车工业发展的内在需求,国际化已成为中国走向世界汽车强国的必经之路。要想成为世界汽车工业强国,扩大出口和加强国际化发展是必经之路。本文通过对中国汽车进出口现状进行分析得出了我国汽车出口的以下情况:2012年汽车商品出口再创历史新高,但增速放缓;我国汽车出口在国际汽车出口市场上仍处于低端水平;我国汽车整车企业的出口集中度高于汽车零部件企业;我国汽车产品出口中零部件出口占据半壁江山;我国汽车整车出口主要市场为新兴市场国家。再以实例分析:举出奇瑞未来在美国市场上的竞争优势与不足之处;通过实例研究为我国汽车进入国际市场的发展起到借鉴意义。针对我国汽车出口现状并结合相关汽车贸易政策理论知识提出相应的解决方案:以政府引导为基础,不断提升我国汽车出口产品的国际竞争力;加大新能源汽车的研发;积极拓展适合现阶段的多元化海外市场 ;希望能为我国汽车在国际汽车市场上的发展提供理论依据。
ABSTRACT:With the development of the economy, people's improvement of living standards, the car is playing an increasingly important role in our life, as an auto production and consumption power, China automobile trade in our country in international trade, becomes increasingly importance. since China's accession to the WTO in 2001, foreign cars advanced technology into China, constantly giving impetus to the development of automobile industry in China. Based conditions gradually improve software and hardware, auto industry in our country,domestic development can no longer satisfy the inside need of development of Chinese automobile industry, internationalization has become a path to China's moving towards in the auto world powers. To become world auto industrial power, expanding export and strengthen international development is the only way. Analysis based on the current situation of China automobile import and export of China's automobile export the following situation: Car merchandise exports in 2012 to an all-time high, but the slowdown; car exports in the international automobile export market in China is still in low level; the export of our automotive enterprises concentration higher than the auto parts enterprises; parts in our auto products export occupies half; China automotive export market mainly for emerging market countries. Again with instance analysis: what is chery's future in the United States market competitive advantages and disadvantages; According to current situation of China's automobile export combining with the knowledge of related automobile trade policy theory put forward the corresponding solutions: The basis of government guidance, improve the international competitiveness of China's automobile export products; Increasing development of new energy vehicles;Actively expand for the diversification of the overseas market at present stage; Hope for China's automobile provide theoretical basis for the development in the international automobile market.
Key words: auto; Exports; The current situation; countermeasures