摘 要:战略性新兴产业是我国“十二五”大力扶持和发展的产业,其发展直接关乎到我国经济结构特别是产业结构的调整。国家和地方近几年也都相继出台了较多的公共财政政策,以加快推动战略性新兴产业的发展。但国内目前对公共资本与战略性新兴产业的关系的研究大多以定性分析为主,尚缺乏较为系统的研究,尤其对公共资本对其发展效应与路径的研究更少。基于这一情况,本文借鉴了最新的理论研究成果,拟采取理论研究和实证分析相结合的方法,除了引入公共支出变量如财政补贴外,还尝试对战略性新兴产业企业所得税税式支出这一公共支出变量进行了初步测算,并在此基础上建立面板混合多元线性回归模型,以探究出公共资本对战略性新兴产业发展的影响效应及路径,并提出相应的对策。
ABSTRACT:Strategic emerging industries are strongly supported through “Twelve Five-Year Plan” by our country. How well it develops can have an impact on the structure of our country, especially the adjustment of industrial structure. In recent years, many policies have been published by local and country to help it develop faster. However, the researches on what impact the publish capital have on the development effect and the way of strategic emerging industries are very little. This paper uses the latest theoretical research and empirical analysis. It’ll not only introduce public expenditure variables such as financial subsidies, but also make a preliminary measurement on tax expenditure of business income taxes of the corporations of stratrgic emerging industries. This paper will establish a mixed regression model of panel data, in order to find out what impact public capital have on the development effect and the way of strategic emerging industries, and put forward some correspond advise and plan.
Keywords: public capital; strategic emerging industries; effect; way