关键词:人民币升值 ,房地产市场 ,房地产泡沫
Abstract:With the continuous appreciation of the RMB and the constantly depressed stock market, more people choose to put their money into the real estate market, putting the domestic real estate prices to new heights. On the other hand, large amounts of foreign hot money flow into the Chinese real estate market because of the appreciation of the RMB. Such arbitrage move by foreign investors in the real estate market is certainly to stimulate the short-term demand for real estates. This explains why the Chinese real estate market keeps increasing without decreasing. This is also the cause of the over-heated growth of the Chinese real estate market, and even the cause of the real estate bubble. Once the appreciation of the RMB has reached a certain expectation, foreign idle funds will leave. When they all leave, the Chinese real estate market will no doubt be seriously affected, endangering the domestic financial system and even the stability of the entire Chinese economy. This article analyzes the different reasons affecting the real estate prices and, on this basis, specially analyzes the impact on the real estates by the appreciation of the RMB and presents counter-measure to deal with the high housing prices.
Key Words:RMB appreciation, real estate market, housing price, impact