关键词:食品贸易 安全贸易 出口贸易
Abstract:Food important and export trade in China’s export trade occupies an important position, the barrier of food safety in our country is becoming the largest food trade, the most difficult obstacle, on China’s food export has caused great difficulties.
The barrier of food safety and trade integration, form trade and economic angle analysis of influencing food safety barriers on China’s food trade on the causes and the corresponding solutions to solve the problems. In the first pat of the article on the barrier of the safety has made the related overview. The second part combined with specific cases and data analysis of China’s food encounter the barrier of food safety situation. The third part mainly analyzes our country food export food safety barrier reason. The fourth part puts forward the corresponding measures of China, namely the need of national governments, enterprises and trade organizations working together.
Keyword:food trade ,safety barrier,export trade