关键词: 湛江 水产品 出口贸易 对策
Abstract:China's national economy continues to fast development, the industrial structure continuous optimization and increase the competitive power of enterprise, so foreign trade maintained strong growth momentum. In recent years, zhan jiang city attached great importance to the development of the Marine economy, customs, foreign trade, in the effort to help the government functional departments, give full play to the advantages of Marine resources and promoting the development of blue industry, but at the same time, in the zhanjiang aquatic products on one hand's own existence development, on the one hand, international in zhanjiang aquatic products export trade had the question, the international market "green barrier" increasingly heavily fortified, many countries improve the threshold of aquatic products. This paper discusses the zhanjiang aquatic products and export situation and existing problems, and based on this, it discusses zhanjiang aquatic products of export business of enterprise competitive advantage. Improve the quality safety consciousness, from the differentiation strategy, such as integration mode competition Angle, discusses the zhanjiang aquatic products improve enterprise export competitiveness countermeasures and Suggestions in order to promote the healthy development of zhanjiang aquatic products trade industry.
Key Words: zhanjiang,aquatic products,export trade,counterplan