关键词:中小企业发展 ,中小企业融资,融资难对策
Abstract:Along with economic development, SMEs play an increasingly important role in the development of the national economy, however small and medium enterprises financing has become a prominent problem has plagued the development of SMEs. Especially after the financial crisis, to go through painful restructuring and recovery of global economy, SMEs more serious shortage of funds, financing difficulty can no longer be ignored. This paper analyzes the financing difficulties of China small and medium enterprise financing present situation and reason, combined with the economic situation of small and medium enterprises in Foshan, explore the financing situation of small and medium enterprises in Foshan, from the perspective of enterprises, financial institutions and Government causes analysis on financing difficulties of small and medium enterprises in Foshan and analysis of enterprises, financial institutions and Government to address the solutions proposed by the financing difficulty of Foshan and countermeasures.
Key Words:Small and medium enterprises development, financing, financing strategies