摘 要:我们不能忽视这样一个事实,对对外贸易结构的理论研究,目的只是为了证伪,并不能对一国贸易结构或贸易发展战略,给出一个完整的规划,尤其是不能对贸易的产品分布和地区分布的整体状况,做出明确的解答。
而国内学者对对外贸易的研究,大多数研究只是停留在贸易结构的存在上, 而忽视了贸易战略。且目前, 无论是理论界,还是政策界,对对外贸易结构方面的研究,着眼较多的倾向于全国范围的探讨,却很少有针对西部唯一直辖市—重庆的对外贸易结构特征及贸易发展战略取向这一问题进行深入、系统的研究。因此, 本文重点从地区和产品角度探讨重庆对外贸易结构特征变化与贸易发展战略取向变化的关系,首先从已有的相关文献出发,进行归纳总结,为命题的研究奠定理论依据。在理论回顾与借鉴的基础上,确定研究的逻辑起点,界定本研究的基本概念,进而综合运用文献研究、归纳分析等方法,对重庆对外贸易结构作出较为全面的分析,并对其带来的机遇和挑战进行研究,进而提出了重庆对外贸易战略提出以下几点建议:第一、贸易市场多元化战略,优化贸易结构;第二、产业结构调整和升级战略;第三、通道战略;第四、外贸人才培养战略。
关键词:对外贸易 地区结构 产品结构 战略
ABSTRACT:We can't ignore the fact, theoretical study on the structure of foreign trade, just for the sake of falsification, and can't give a a complete plan on country's trade structure and trade development strategy, especially can't make a clear answer to trade products distribution and regional distribution of the overall situation.
Study on the foreign trade and domestic scholars, most studies only focus on trade structure exists, and ignore the trade strategy. And at present, both the theoretical circles and policy circles, research on foreign trade structure focus more inclined to nationwide, but few in the west the only municipality directly under the central government, Chongqing's foreign trade structure and trade development strategy orientation of this issue in-depth, systematic study. Therefore, this paper focuses on the relationship between the orientation of the development strategy of Chongqing foreign trade structure change and trade changes from regional and product angle, first summarized from the existing literature, laying the theoretical basis for research of proposition. In the review of the theory and the basis of reference, to determine the logical starting point for research, the basic concepts of this research, and the integrated use of literature research, induction analysis method, make a comprehensive analysis of the Chongqing foreign trade structure, and the challenges and opportunities of the research, and then put forward the following proposals in Chongqing foreign trade strategy:First, the strategy of market diversification of trade, optimize trade structure; second, industrial structure adjustment and upgrading strategy; third ,channel strategy; fourth, foreign talent cultivation strategy.
To Chongqing ,developing export-oriented economy not only has the positive practical significance,but also has far-reaching historical significance.
Keywords: Foreign trade; Regional structure; Product structure; Strategy