摘 要:在世界贸易组织(WTO)的不断努力下,国际贸易中关税壁垒虽然不断下降,传统的非关税壁垒也受到了更加严格的限制,但西方发达国家积极寻找新的非关税技术壁垒来达到本国贸易保护的目的,绿色壁垒作为一种新的技术壁垒则被发达国家广泛利用。中国作为世界上最大的发展中国家,随着经济的不断发展,绿色壁垒对中国农产品出口造成巨大障碍,严重阻碍了我国农产品出口贸易的发展。本文主要从国际贸易中绿色壁垒的主要表现形式、绿色壁垒的潜在特征、我国农产品出口主要市场的绿色壁垒进行分析,从而简单总结了我国农产品出口突破绿色壁垒的对策。
关键词:国际贸易 农产品 绿色壁垒 技术壁垒
ABSTRACT:GATT and the World Trade Organization (WTO) continued efforts, international trade barriers although declining, although the traditional non-tariff barriers have been more stringent restrictions, but Western countries actively seek new non-tariff technical barriers to achieve their purpose of trade protection, green barriers as a new technical barriers are widely used in developed countries. China, the world's largest developing country, as China's first industry of agriculture, as the economy continues to develop, green barriers on China's exports of farm products pose significant obstacles to a serious impediment to the development of China's agricultural export trade. This article from the green barriers in international trade a major manifestation of the potential characteristics of green barriers, China's main export markets of agricultural products green barriers will be analyzed to a brief summary of our agricultural exports topped Barriers Counter.
Keywords: International trade;Produce ;Green barriers;Technical barriers;