摘 要:重庆市作为西部地区唯一的一个直辖市以及西南部最大的工业重镇,其产业结构问题一直以来都受到国家机构及研究学者们的关注与重视。本文在重庆目前的背景下,结合重庆市的经济状况,通过对2001年到2011年的近期数据进行分析,从产业结构的比重、贡献率、劳动从业人员比重等方面分析重庆市产业结构现状。通过比较分析,得出重庆市存在城乡二元经济结构突出、区域内部发展不平衡、第三产业相对落后、工业经济结构不合理和产业集群程度不高等问题。
然后,对重庆市发展重点及占最重要地位的产业以及各产业的布局进行研究和分析, 近年来研究的重点被放在了产业结构低碳化方面,产业结构低碳化如果可以很好的被利用在重庆市产业结构上,就能够优化和发展重庆市产业结构,促进其经济的发展。本文期望通过对重庆市产业结构的现状及问题进行研究分析,对其产业结构的发展和优化提供有益参考,提高重庆市的竞争力和经济发展水平。
关键词:重庆市 产业结构 产业结构优化
ABSTRACT:As the western region of Chongqing municipality and the only one in southwest industrial city, its industrial structure problem has always been subject to national agencies and research scholars concern and attention. In this paper, Chongqing is currently in the background, combined with the economic situation in Chongqing, through 2001 to 2011, recent analysis of data from the proportion of the industrial structure, the contribution rate, the proportion of employees and other aspects of labor Chongqing Industrial Structure. By comparing the analysis, the presence of Chongqing prominent urban-rural dual economic structure, uneven development within the region, the tertiary industry is relatively backward, irrational economic structure and industrial cluster level not high.
Then, the focus of development in Chongqing and share the most important position in the industry as well as the layout of each industry research and analysis, the focus of research in recent years was on the low-carbon industrial structure, the low-carbon industrial structure may well be exploited if in Chongqing, the industrial structure, it is able to optimize the industrial structure and development of Chongqing Municipality to promote their economic development. This expectation by Chongqing Industrial Structure Status and Problems of research and analysis, its development and optimization of industrial structure provide a useful reference, Chongqing Municipality to improve the competitiveness and economic development.
Keywords:Chongqing;industrial structure;optimization of industrial structure