关键词:海外投资 投资模式 石油企业
ABSTRACT: Oil has long been viewed as a strategic resource for nations. China is now the world’s second largest oil-consuming country after the U.S, Facing the increasingly serious domestic oil supply and demand imbalance, china's oil companies to go abroad to the overseas petroleum project investment becomes the inevitable choice.Investment in the choice of what kind of pattern, is a key part of the success or failure of the enterprises decide to invest overseas.
This paper has studied on modes of Chinese petroleum enterprises overseas investment Analysis:Firstly, it elaborated background and significance of the research and accurately defines the relative concepts;secondly, it introduces basic situation such as background, Survey ,The impact of China's petroleum enterprises overseas investment model and factor model for China Petroleum Enterprises Overseas Investment.
Key Words: overseas investment; investment mode; petroleum enterprises
一 绪论 1
(一)研究背景与意义 1
(二)文献综述 1
(三)本文研究思路 2
二 相关概念 4
(一)石油企业及分类 4
(二)投资模式及石油企业投资模式 4
三 我国石油企业海外投资现状 6
(一)投资概况 6
(二)主要投资项目 7
(三)影响我国石油企业海外投资模式选择的因素 8
四 我国石油企业海外投资模式 10
(一)与有经验的大型跨国石油公司联合 10
(二)无风险服务合同 10
(三)获得勘探开发股份的转让 10
(四)直接在国外与主权国合作勘探开发油田 11
(五)扩大上游行业的国际化经营 11
五 案例分析:我国石油企业投资委内瑞拉模式分析 12
(一)模式的特点 12
(二)效益分析 12
(三)风险及防范 13
(四)总结 14
六 结论 15
参考文献 16
致谢 17