关键词:利用外资 现状分析 产业结构 外资政策
ABSTRACT: In the trend of economic globalization, all countries regard foreign capital as an important way to boost the economic development, as the world's second largest FDI recipient, reference of foreign capital has always been the core content of China's opening to the outside world, which has played an irreplaceable role in the past 30 years for rapid economic development in our country. We have made remarkable achievements in this regard, and accumulated rich experience which has been used for reference by many countries.
In recent years, although the foreign capital used is increasing in our country, while a series of problems exist in the process of utilization of foreign capital.This article based on the statistical analysis method analyzes the status quo of foreign capital utilization in our country,and summarizes the problems existing in the work of foreign capital utilization in China. And then from the quality of the introduction of foreign capital,the structure of foreign capital utilization, the government policy of using foreign capital in our country, and national economic security to issue instructions,finally more feasible suggestions are put forward in this article to solve these problems for work of utilization of foreign capital in our country.
Keyword:introduction of foreign capital; analysis situation; industrial structure; foreign capital policy
目 录
摘 要
一 引言 1
二 理论基础 2
三 我国利用外资的现状概述 4
(一)我国利用外资的回顾 4
(二)我国当前利用外资的现状 5
1.数量分析 5
2.来源地分布 6
3.区域分布分析 7
4.产业分布分析 8
四 我国利用外资存在的问题分析 9
(一)我国在利用外资上存在着三大失衡 9
1.产业结构分布上失衡 9
2.投资地区分布上失衡 9
3.利用外资方式分布上失衡 9
(二)我国利用外资的政策不够完善 10
1.现阶段的外资政策有失市场公平 10
2.知识产权缺乏有效的保护 10
(三)我国利用外资在管理上存在不足 11
1.利用外资的相关法律法规不健全 11
2.外资企业偷税漏税的现象严重 11
3.部分地区政府存在着盲目引资 11
(四)利用外资给生态环境造成了压力 12
五 我国利用外资的对策分析 13
(一)实行差别化的外资政策 13
(二)调整不合理的外资政策 14
(三)深化外资管理体制改革,促进科学管理 14
(四)评估利用外资的环境影响,重视生态问题 15
六 总结 16
参考文献 17
致谢 18