关键词:稳定粮食价格 国家宏观调控 粮食安全 耕地面积 科教兴农
ABSTRACT: The food issue is beneficial to the people's livelihood event, food security related to the national security and social stability. Food is the most basic around us , the most extensive goods. food price will have a direct impact on our household consumption, consumer spending. In China, the ability to safeguard the stability of food prices, increase food security, ecological health is extremely important. With the social development, China's population will continue to increase, of course, demand will continue to grow, to expand the field of bio-fuels research will bring pressure to the food system, however, some of the region's natural resources are increasingly scarce, food supplies will face severe test. Today, food and energy markets increasingly close ties between the past few years increasing extreme weather affecting food production. All these factors led to food price fluctuations instability. Various factors pose threats to food security, increasing food prices rise, seriously disrupting China's grain market.
Countermeasure study through the literature on food price volatility factor and countermeasure tries to analyze the stability of China's food prices. In the factors of China's grain price fluctuation analysis, through the national macroeconomic regulation and control, analysis, demographic factors on Influencing Factors of grain production in China, analysis of the international grain market and so on. To understand the effects of various factors after analysis and incentive system of various policy measures to ensure food security and stable food prices are increasingly improved, food strategic reserve adequacy, control of cultivated land area of agriculture through science and education, etc
Keywords: stabilize food prices;food security;state macro control;arable land;agriculture through science and education