摘要: 目前,低碳经济已经成为了人们关注的一个焦点问题,同时低碳经济也已经成为全球经济发展的大趋势,它对世界出口贸易现状造成巨大的影响。出口贸易呈现一系列新的低碳化发展趋向,这将会对我国的出口贸易造成巨大的影响,这其中既有挑战也会带来机遇。中国作为世界上最大的发展中国家,我国的对外出口贸易也必然要求与时俱进,应该努力使出口贸易符合国际低碳化的标准,迎合低碳经济的发展道路。同时,还要根据中国自身的经济发展和贸易结构,寻找出协调长期与短期利益、权衡各类政策目标、争取双赢的低碳发展的应对策略。因此,文章通过对我国出口贸易中不符合低碳化的现状进行描述,分析了低碳经济对我国出口贸易的影响,从而进一步提出应对策略。
关键词:低碳经济 出口贸易 低碳化 策略
ABSTRACT: At present, the low-carbon economy has become the trend in the development of the global economy,which has a huge impact on Status of world export trade. Export trade presents a series of new low-carbon development trend, which will have a huge impact on China's export trade and bring both challenges and opportunities. As the largest developing country in the world, China's foreign trade is also inevitable requirement of the times, trying to make the export trade in line with international low-carbon standards, to meet the low-carbon economy development road. AT the same time, according to Chinese own economic development and trade structure, look for a coordinated long-term and short-term interests, weighing the various policy objectives, strive for a win-win low-carbon development strategies. Therefore, the article described the status of Chinese export trade which does not meet the low-carbon economy , which further raised the question of strategy.
Keywords: Low-carbon economy;Export trade;Low-carbon;strategy