内容摘要: 当前,世界经济已经进入资源环境瓶颈期,陆域资源、能源和空间的压力与日俱增,海洋经济越来越成为集聚要素、产业资源的空间载体。十七届五中全会公报和“十二五”规划赋予了海洋经济新的责任和期望。我省具有良好的海洋经济发展基础,但海洋经济始终未能得到很好的发展。在“十二五”开局之年,江苏省将海洋经济的发展提上日程,本文将我省发展的较为成功的紫菜行业作为例子,通过分析来为江苏省海洋经济发展提出一点可参照的建议。
关键字:海洋养殖业 生产函数 要素禀赋 比较优势 规模经济 借鉴意义
Abstract: Nowadays, the world economy has entered into bottleneck, resources and environment ground-launched resources, energy and space pressure increases, the Marine economy become more and more important concentration factors and industrial resources space carrier. Fifth session of the 17th session of "12th five-year-planning" bulletin and gives the Marine economy new responsibilities and expectations. Our province has good Marine economic development foundation, but the Marine economy always fails to get good development. In the years 1025 "start" in Jiangsu province, the development of the Marine economy, this paper will be on the agenda of the more successful in developing the laver industry as an example, through the analysis to the economic development of the province can refer to raise some of the Suggestions.
KEY WORDS: Marine planting Laver industry Sustained and balanced development of factor Endowments for reference