摘要: 2008年金融危机爆发后,中国出口急剧萎缩,企业大量削减工作职位,民工失业问题一度成为关注焦点。而在金融危机过后,我国东南沿海地区却又纷纷出现了“民工荒”,并且罕见地与部分民工未就业现象并存。如果能够将这部分未就业农民工与空缺岗位有效对接,本轮“民工荒”便可迎刃而解,因此本文根据这一特殊现象,选择从农民工失业角度来分析当前“民工荒”成因。通过分析农民工结构性失业的主要表现及原因,得出造成本轮“民工荒”的深层次原因,并由此提出解决这一问题的政策建议。
关键词:后金融危机时期 民工荒 结构性失业
Abstract:In the 2008 financial crisis, China's exports had a rapid decline, companies slashed jobs and unemployment of migrant workers became the focus of attention. But after the financial crisis, China's southeastern coastal areas have a shortage of migrant workers and the coexistence of a rare phenomenon with some unemployed workers. If this part of the unemployed migrant workers can be connected with the vacancies effectively, the current problem of the shortage of migrant workers would be solved. This paper based on this particular phenomenon, analysis the causes of the current shortage of migrant workers from a perspective of the unemployment of migrant workers. By analyzing the main performance and the causes of the structural unemployment of migrant workers, we could find the deep-seated reasons which cause the shortage of migrant workers, and thus make policy recommendations to address this issue.
Key words: After the financial crisis Shortage of migrant workers Structural unemployment