摘 要:企业集群的竞争优势一般表现在生产成本、运输成本、劳动力成本、库存成本、交易成本和创新成本这几个方面,但企业集群在不断发展的过程中也存在着各种风险和误区。该课题主要从各种成本方面分析研究高邮市羽绒服服装厂集群有哪些具体的竞争优势,另一方面从产量、销量、库存量等方面出发,与当地非集群内的同行企业进行比较,分析集群内企业的竞争优势。着重分析了当地政府对服装企业采取的各种措施与其竞争优势的关系和影响,结合以上的调查资料进行比较并对高邮市羽绒服服装厂集群的现状进行综合分析,得出其不足以及发展过程中应该注意的问题,在此基础上提出建议并展望前景。
关键词:企业集群; 竞争优势;发展瓶颈; 政府软环境;发展前景
Abstract:The gathering of the similar enterprises has a number of competitive advantages in some aspects as follows; production cost, transportation cost, labour cost, stock cost, transaction cost as well as innovation cost. But it also exists in various risks and pitfalls in the gradual development. My task is concerned about the competitive advantages in the gathering of down coat companies in Gao You. What is more, according to the condition of output, sales volume and stock, this task analyzes the advantages after compare with the similar ventures in their own circle. And my research stresses on the relationship and interaction between government’s policies and competitive advantages. Generally speaking, the whole research paper demonstrates the problems in developing process based on comprehensive analysis to the collect material. Meanwhile, envision the prospective and put forward constructive suggestions are the highlights in my task.
Key words: Gathering of enterprises, Competitive advantages, Dilemma of development, Prospective of government environment