摘要: 本文首先介绍我国食品贸易发展概况,从理论上分析了食品安全壁垒产生的原因,并介绍了WTO的相关协议。在此基础上分析了食品安全壁垒对我国食品贸易产生的影响,同时分析了影响我国出口食品安全问题的因素,并提出相应的对策。
关键词: 食品安全 食品出口 贸易壁垒
Abstract: This paper describes the overview of the development of China's food trade. We theoretically analyze the causes of food safety barriers and describes the relevant of WTO agreements.Based on this analysis of the food safety barriers on the impact of China's food trade, and also analyzes the impact of China's exports to the problem of food safety and the corresponding countermeasures.
Keywords: Food safety; Food export; Trade barriers