摘要: 本文根据已有文献将考研意愿影响因素归为个人因素、社会因素、家庭因素与学校因素四个方面,通过对江宁普通高校应届毕业生考研意愿进行问卷调查,并运用logit模型分析.得出以下结论:对考研意愿有显著性正向影响的有是否想学术深造、是否想逃避社会、父母是否要求考研、家庭条件是否允许、教师是否有引导、学校氛围是否浓厚、是否就业压力大;有显著性负面影响的有社会是否对工作经验有要求;无显著性影响的有是否是男生和是否家住城镇。期望对在校大学生的考研价值观做正确的引导。
关键词: 考研意愿 影响因素 logit模型
Abstract: According to the existing literature,the influencing factors of the intention of exams for postgraduate schools will be divided into personal factors, social factors, family factors and school factors in four aspects.Through to the Jiangning college graduate graduate-study admission exam will conduct questionnaire survey with the Logit model. Draw the following conclusion that the exams for postgraduate schools will have significant positive effect is whether you want to academic r esearch, whether you want to escape from the society, whether parents demand graduate-study admission exam, family conditions allow, whether the teachers guide, the school atmosphere is strong, whether the employment pressure; there is significant negative effects on the social is about experience; no significant impact there is a boy and whether the home town , expectation on students Kaoyan values correct guidance.
Key words: The intention of exams for postgraduate schools ; Influencing factors; Logit model