摘要: 21世纪的竞争不是企业和企业之间的竞争而是供应链和供应链之间的竞争。因此,供应链的建设和管理已经被许多企业提到了战略的高度。宝钢是我国钢铁行业的领先企业,目前已建立起比较完善的供应链体系,率先打造电子商务平台。本文通过介绍宝钢供应链的发展现状,阐述了它的四个组成系统,供应采购系统,生产流程系统,销售物流系统,和库存管理系统以及每个系统所存在的问题,并一一提出了解决方案,对我国钢铁供应链的建设具有借鉴意义。
关键词:钢铁供应链 宝钢 系统 电子商务
Abstract:21th century, the competence is not among businesses but among supply chains. Therefore, the construction and management of supply chains has been raised in the strategic heights by many enterprises. Baosteel plant is the leading enterprise in China. Now, it has established a relatively perfect supply chain system. Take the lead in creating electronic commercial platform .This paper introduces the current development situation of the Baosteel plant‘s supply chain. It also expounds the four parts of the supply chain ,the supply purchasing system, the production process system, sales of logistics system, and inventory management system, and find the problems among them, then put forward some solutions to all the problems .It has some referent significance to construct our country’s supply chain.
Key words: Iron and steel supply chain; Baosteel; System; Electronic business