关键词:上市公司 股权集中度 股权性质 资产负债率 影响因素
Abstract:The ownership structure of the listed companies is an important part of the structure of company treatment, which has great influence on the management of the company management, acquisition and merger, the agency competition, supervision, etc. The paper is based on discusses of the research about the relationship between the listed companies’ ownership structure and the structure of company treatment by scholars .On the base of 112 listed companies’ date of China as the research object.By the base of the analysis method of empirical research, analysis that the proportion of STATE,LP,LASSET and Ownership concentration have significantly positive correlation with the company performance.The results also show that, ASHARE and DAR have the negatively correlate with corporate performance.
Key words:Listed company ;Ownership concentration ;Equity properties ;Asset-liability ratio; Influence factors
公司的绩效与其股权结构之间的关系一直以来都是国内外公司治理的相关研究者关注的焦点之一。以往关于公司的绩效与其股权结构的研究,比较多的是围绕股权的集中度对公司绩效所产生的影响,由于变量定义与研究假设的差异性,数据的来源与研究方法的不同,经济的发展阶段,行业的差异,宏观经济政策等因素的影响,使得公司的绩效与其股权结构之间关系的研究没有一致性的结论,但是就研究的结果而言,普遍认为公司的绩效与其股权结构之间具有相关性。本文利用通用的方法对中国上市公司股权结构与公司绩效的关系进行理论及实证的分析。在本文中,关于股权结构对公司经营业绩影响的研究基本是沿着两个方向进行的:第一:上市公司股权的集中度(第一大股东,前五大股东和前十大股东持股比例)对公司业绩的影响;第二:主要着眼于不同性质的股权,具体即不同股权比例( 国家股比例、境内法人股比例、外资股比例以及人民币普通股比例)对公司经营业绩的影响。