关键词:外商直接投资 出口贸易结构 制成品 初级产品
Abstract:With the continued strengthening of economic globalization, the scale and form of cross-border flowing on international goods, services and factors of production expand and enrich.The level of China's utilization of FDI are rising, FDI on China's economic growth, employment growth, and the prosperity of export trade have played a pivotal role. China's export trade structure is constantly changing, the main change is reflected in the proportion of China's manufactured exports have been much higher than the exports of primary products. In the field of the elements, China's exports have gradually changed from the labor-intensive products to capital, technology-intensive products, and in the way of trade, the distance of China's processing trade and general trade is decreasing. FDI for the optimization of structure of China's export trade is positive, it promotes the restructuring of China's export trade, but also with a lot of negative effects and instability. In this article, I make the point of view from the optimization of foreign capital management, the upgrades of enterprise technology, the improvement of the export capacity to make suggestions to promote optimization of China's export trade structure .
Key words: FDI; Structure of export trade; Manufactured goods; Primary products