关键词:SPS措施 农产品出口 原因
ABSTRACT:Along with the development of international trade, the strengthening of globalization, countries in order to protect its agricultural industry, favorable SPS measures are put forward respectively, with our country agricultural product trade of Japan, the United States and other developed countries the harsh measures are put forward, a big impact on China's agricultural products trade. Based on the investigation of China's agricultural exports overall present situation, product structure, regional structure, analyzing the current situation and characteristics of the agricultural products export, find out the problems existing in the agricultural product export also, studies our country agricultural products affected by the negative effects of SPS measures, positive and the possible impact of the future, and from two aspects of subjective and objective to analyze the cause of the affected, finally from the government, the enterprise put forward the feasible solution of two main body, achieve the purpose of study this topic.
Keywords:SPS;The exports of agricultural products;Reason