关键词: 重庆 汽车租赁 整合营销
Abstract:With China's rapid economic development. Sunrise industry of China called the car rental industry has the inevitability of its development, but experienced after ten years of development. Not showing a thriving scene. Slow pace of development. By analyzing the status of the car rental industry, showing the presence of the car rental industry operating risk, lack of relevant laws and regulations, regulatory management disorderly, vicious competition and other issues; promoting China's car rental industry.
Development of a number of measures to improve laws and regulations, improve the control of business risks, develop new business, update management mode. Development and growth of operating car rental is to fulfill the needs of its WTO commitments, the automotive industry needs. Therefore, our need to raise awareness of the car rental, the establishment of regional and even national car rental network, expand the channels, integrated marketing analysis, eliminating the bottleneck of funds, the establishment of a national industry association, to promote the healthy development of the car rental industry.
Keywords: car rental market integrated marketing