关键词 浙江;纺织品行业;现状;对策
Abstract: The development of world economy promoted the formation of economic globalization, the formation of economic globalization and promoting the national economic structure adjustment and transformation, and technology, labor, knowledge, information, capital, etc. All kinds of optimal allocation of resources on a global scale. With the development of economic globalization and economic integration, as the market competition is becoming more and more fierce, zhejiang textile industry faces the survival environment of increasingly serious. Especially during the 10 years since the global economic crisis, the impact of blue trade barriers, trade friction, etc, to our country itself technical strength is not strong, the labor production level is not high, with thick production mode in the development of blow huge economic development model of textile industry, zhejiang textile industry has been occupying China's export dominance, this paper analyzes the current development of zhejiang textile industry in crisis stage, and points out that textile industry exports the reasons of the problems, analyzed the zhejiang clothing textile enterprises in terms of Labour, congenital superior export advantages of the geographical position, natural resources, and marketing costs increase, the low level of production technology, homogeneity competition seriously, such as disadvantage, and finally from the aspects of government and guild, enterprise itself put forward the corresponding countermeasures.
Keywords Zhejiang textile industry the status quo countermeasures
浙江纺织品行业进出口得到了一定的增长,然而中国日益面临这愈演愈烈的形形色色的贸易摩擦,其中有政治、经济形势等其他的外部原因,也有中国多年来依靠廉价劳动力优势走低端路线,血拼价格造成的恶性竞争后果。近期又因为人民币升值,美国次贷危机等内外原因,使得中国的纺织品贸易条件持续恶化。在这种恶化的环境中,利润微薄的纺织品工业应如何调整自身以应对激烈的市场竞争。鉴于此,本文从浙江作为切入点,从人民币升值、原材料、人工成本不断上涨、出口退税降低等方面对浙江中小型纺织 企业的未来之路进行剖析,究其原因,谋求可持续发展之路。