本文通过对江苏省外商直接投资现状、出口贸易现状以及相关数据的分析,对江苏省外商直接投资特点、产业结构的分布作了详细陈述,并研究了外商直接投资与江苏省出口贸易的关系,分析其影响以及存在的问题;同时采用近年来年江苏省出口贸易额和实际利用外资额等数据,通过对数据的分析、比较,针对外商直接投资对江苏省出口贸易的影响进行了研究,分别从多个方面分析了 FDI 对江苏省出口贸易的影响。研究表明外商直接投资对江苏省出口贸易增长具有促进作用,但同时也存在过分依赖的问题。
关键词 外商直接投资;出口贸易;数据分析;研究分析
Abstract:Since the reform and opening up, foreign direct investment (FDI) in the development of our country has maintained the momentum of sustained growth. With the deepening reform of China's economic system, the impact of foreign direct investment on China's export trade is even more obvious. In particular, Jiangsu Province, the massive inflow of foreign direct investment, making foreign direct investment enterprises has become an important part of Jiangsu Provincial Foreign Trade and the main force.
In this paper, foreign direct investment in the status quo of Jiangsu Province, the export trade situation, as well as the analysis of the data, characteristics of foreign direct investment in Jiangsu Province, the industrial structure of the distribution made detailed statements, and to study the relationship between foreign direct investment and export trade of Jiangsu Province, analysis of its impact as well as problems. In recent years, the export volume of Jiangsu Province and the actual utilization of foreign capital data, through the analysis of the data, compared to the impact of foreign direct investment in Jiangsu Province's export trade empirical research, in many ways to analyze FDI on Jiangsu Province's export trade. Studies have shown that foreign direct investment has a role in promoting export growth in Jiangsu Province, but there is also the problem of over-reliance on.
Keywords Foreign direct investment Export trade Data analysis Empirical research