关键词:商业银行 信用卡 风险管理
Abstract:With the development of technology and economic,from the beginning of the 21st century, Chinese commercial bank’s credit card business in issuance volume, trading volume and card using has developed significantly. With the dramatic increase of credit card quantity and the frequency of card transactions, the credit card loans have emerged a growth spurt. However, the risk management of credit card business is becoming worse and worse. Credit risk, operational risk, fraud risk, cash risk and other risks become more prominent in diversified types.
According to the development of credit cards in recent years and the main features to do the credit risk management study, analysis of credit risk faced by the domestic credit card, fraud risk, operational risk and the cash risk. At the other hand, exploring related strategies about how to improve credit risk management and proposing some measures and strategies.
Key words: commercial bank, credit card, risk management