关键词:储蓄 储蓄率 消费 消费率 经济增长
Abstract: In recent years, Chinese economy has maintained high growth, the savings rate has been maintained at a high level, but the trend of lower consumption rate. This article from the transformation of ideas, optimize the national income distribution system, improve the social security system, the development of consumer credit and other different areas, and improve consumer expectations and increased spending power, in order to achieve a real consumer spending will improve. So that the total amount of the national per capita consumption reached a new high point, making savings and investment can promote economic development and harmonious. In the "second Five-Year" Plan early, how to accelerate a new round of economic reform and further reform of the Chinese nation glow innovative and enterprising and improving productivity initiative to effectively curb the irrational economic system mechanisms probably waste of resources, for the comprehensive construction of a well laid the foundation of decisive significance.
Keywords: Savings ;Savings rate;Consumer;Consumption rate;Economic growth