关键词: 大学生 幸福指数 大学生幸福感量化表 心理援助
Abstract: In the historical background of building the social harmonious society and promoting harmonious psychology, it is of great value for us to make the positive attempt and the research at improving the level of university student condition of happiness.
The contents of this includes five parts, the first of the happiness index of the background narrative and the reasons for this research. Second, introducing the research data and research methods, this study Jiangning University City from four universities in a number of students randomly selected survey, followed by the use of SPSS software for data analysis, the outcome. Third, the introduction empirical results. Fourth, the empirical results for the instructions. In the final part, to summarize the conclusions of this study, and the outlook.
Key words: college student psychological happiness the College Student Psychological Happiness Scale Psychological aid