关键词: 纺织企业 招工难 对策
Abstract: In recent years, jiangyin textile enterprise hire difficult is increasingly generalization. Since the fourth quarter of 2009, textile industry has become increasingly distinct, and warmed momentum textile enterprises order gradually rise, but with these good trend of the enterprise is not too optimistic, textile enterprise hire hire become a difficult problem. This paper aims at analyzing the hire difficult situation of jiangyin textile industry, it is concluded that the reasons for solving this problem, the methods and ways to find jiangyin textile enterprises face with opportunities and challenges, and promote the transformation of jiangyin textile enterprise and the optimization, promote the rapid development of jiangyin textile industry.
Keywords: Textile enterprise; Hire Difficult; Countermeasures
纺织企业招不到工人,很大原因是不了解劳动力的供求情况,制定了不客观的招工条件:年龄方面:企业在招工时往往被年龄为主导的招工理念支配:用小不用大,用少不用老,要求18—25岁,孰不知这个年龄段的求职者已经比前几年大大减少。据就业市场统计反映,25 岁以上的求职者已超过60%。二是性别,不少企业要求招收女职工占70%以上,而目前劳动力市场女性求职者只占30%左右。三是工作经验,招工只招专业对口,有工作经验的求职者。另外,企业用工具有较明显的指向性。纺织企业需要大量拥有简单技能的劳动者,像操作工,电工等,需要一定技术工种的缺口大,不少企业过于强调熟练工、女工、年轻人,从而形成了男工过剩、女工缺乏,中年妇女有余,年轻女工难招的局面,劳动力结构性矛盾日益突出。用工单位无论从提高生产效率、产品质量还是降低成本的角度出发,企业都想招能最大程度发挥劳动力的员工,从而形成了招工结构不合理。