关键词:纺织服装业 出口竞争力 评价指标
Abstract: Jiangsu is China's textile and apparel province, is also the Chinese textile clothing important production and export base. Jiangsu textile garment industry developed rapidly in recent years, production and export are increased dramatically, one of the non-public textile enterprise market is active in Jiangsu province, is made great contributions to the various garment industries, but also exists some problems, such as cost advantage is abate, in technology innovation ability is weak, within the industry competition and the single and export market resources and environment problems limits, etc.. This paper mainly through research Jiangsu textile and clothing export situation and industrial competitiveness evaluation index understanding of Jiangsu textile garment industry competitive advantage and deficiency, by analyzing the countermeasures.
Keywords: Textile garment industry; Export competitiveness; Evaluation Index