关键词:技术标准 纺织品出口 技术壁垒 竞争力
Abstract: In the economic globalization, countries increasingly fierce competition in foreign trade, countries have cut tariffs and non-tariff barriers, which undoubtedly contributed to countries, especially developing countries, development of foreign trade, but many developed countries in order to protect their own national industries, based on the search for new trade measures to restrict imports, so as to achieve the purpose of trade protection. China's textile brought by its cheap labor cost advantage has been in the international market leading position. In particular, Jiangsu's textile, textile industry is the pillar industry of Jiangsu Province, has been steadily expanding its size, the contribution of the national economy has been great. But in China's accession to the WTO (WTO), the China's textile exports by foreign technical barriers become increasingly serious. Built in developed countries to technical regulations, standards, certification and other technical barriers as the main mode of system seriously weakened the foreign trade of textile and product competitiveness. Therefore, actively looking for textile enterprises in Jiangsu Textile technology standards across the developed countries, measures to enhance the competitiveness of the textile industry of Jiangsu, and promote faster development of the textile industry of Jiangsu.
Keywords:Technical Standards Textile exports Technical barriers Competitiveness