关键词:快递 发展现状 发展对策
Abstract:In recent years, express service to more than 30% average increase rate of development of the potential is enormous, including the private courier industry is becoming more competitive. Compared with other enterprises, private enterprises express a lack of legal protection, government support, encounter unfair competition in the market, it is difficult to develop. Purpose of this research is through the development of China's private courier industry background, development status description, clear their own strengths and weaknesses, searching for the development of China's express delivery industry competitive strategy.
Key words: Courier Development Status Development Strategies
我国民营快递业市场存在的潜力是非常巨大的。在新《邮政法》、《邮政法实施细则》 等相关标准、发展规划出台的情况下,民营快递应把握好电子商务带来的发展机遇,好好把握这一机会,积极转型,自我完善,迅速站稳脚跟,通过不断地创新发展,提高自己的核心竞争力,才能在未来的竞争中取得更好的优势。