关键字:网络营销 消费者 心理变化 消费动机
Abstract: With the continuous improvement of network times, that people growing material and cultural needs, the network shopping become an increasingly important shopping form, but it's still not enough sound mechanism and are still in the stage of developing, in order to seek more interest, the paper deeply understand the marketing strategy in the development of the influence of consumers, and in the face of different problems by use of different measures.
Keywords:Network marketing Consumer Psychoiogical change Motivation consumption
网络营销与传统市场营销相比有较为明显的优势:一是信息利用率高,信息内容丰富,比如通过较强的网上搜索、查询工具和设立专业网站,可以大量、高效、快速而丰富地收集、发布信息,使企业及时准确地针对市场动态进行决策;二是网络营销的交易成本低廉,据统计,网络营销在收集、发布信息、市调研场以及广告宣传等方面的费用只占传统营销费用的30%左右(也是目前互联网创业容易,吸引很多并无雄厚资金的优秀大学生注册域名进行网上经营的一个重要原因);另外,顾客和企业间通过Net Meeting和E-mail进行交互式沟通和反馈,既有利于企业改进和开发新产品,也符合个性化、多元化的社会消费需求和发展趋势。