Abstract: Analyze Status and Strategy of Our Campus Marketing"Summary" increase in the number of students enrolled in colleges and universities in China and the increased purchasing power has bred a large consumer market, with great development potential. Consumer psychology of college students and other social groups with different characteristics. In order to effectively develop the students ' consumer market, better meet the needs of college students consumption groups, enterprises must be based on the psychological characteristics of college students consumption to develop appropriate marketing strategies. Campus marketing is in the new market environment, enterprise marketing by the traditional way of marketing the inevitable trend of the development of personalized, is the innovation of enterprise marketing and marketing potential combination of rules. This article outlined in campus marketing situation and problems on the basis of the proposed enterprise campus marketing strategy and analysis on China · Mobile "m-zone" campus marketing successes brought about by further revelation
Key words: University Students; Consumption Psychology; Consumption Market ; Marketing Strategies
随着时代的不断发展, 处于成长期的大学校园具有旺盛的生命力, 不断出现新的特征与内涵, 一味沿袭传统校园营销策略的企业已经渐渐脱离了时代的步伐,势必不能牢牢抓住大学生的胃口。只有做好充分的市场调研与分析,掌握校园市场这一独特的营销环境, 不断地深入了解大学生群体的特点,把握校园市场的发展趋势, 采取有针对性的渠道传播和创新性的营销手段, 塑造有文化内涵和值得信赖的品牌形象,将更多的附加价值植入到大学生消费中去, 扩大学生忠诚消费群的范围,奠定好坚实的品牌忠诚基础,才能立于大学校园市场的不败之地。