摘 要: 我国金融市场缺乏有效的避险产品,这导致了证券公司面临着巨大的市场风险,必须通过金融衍生品进行风险规避,对财务绩效进行改善。本文首先介绍了金融衍生品的基本概念,然后详细阐述了证券公司对于金融衍生品的服务创新,最后提出了证券公司金融衍生品市场发展的政策建议。
关键词: 证券公司 金融衍生品 服务创新 政策建议
Abstract: The financial market of our country is lack of effective hedging products, which leads to the security companies are facing the market risk, must pass the financial derivatives for risk aversion, to improve financial performance. This paper first introduces the basic concepts of financial derivatives, then in detail elaborated the securities company for financial derivatives services innovation, finally proposed the securities financial derivatives market development policy recommendations.
Keywords: Securities Company; Financial Derivatives; Service Innovation; Policy Recommendations